Missy's friend from her TV days, DJ Ano, was recently brutalized. It is all over Khmer news sites and papers, another story to be looked at with shock and horror, then quickly forgotten.
DJ Ano is yet another example of the further atrocities that continue to be meted out upon the Khmer people by the Neo Khmer Rouge (NKR).
Her only real crime was being pretty and on TV. She was spotted by multiple NKRs who decided she would make a fine addition to their collection of chew toys. She was forced to make a decision, go with them into their underworld of Johnny Walker Blue, cheap sex and cigarettes and thus keep her career, or refuse their advances and be pushed down into the gutter with the rest of the trash. She of course knew she was doomed, but thinking of her family and position, she went along with the fat slob NKRs, and thus was damned.
One night she was abducted by thugs belonging to some frustrated NKR battle axe of a wife. Her head was shaved. Her face, breasts, labia, and the rest of her body were slashed with a razor. These mongoloid stormtroopers also gleefully performed some sort of crude semi-circumcision on her clitoris, then dumped her bloody and broken body on the side of the road. I am not sure if they raped her, but I would be surprised if they did not. She is still alive in a hospital in Vietnam, but she will forever be crippled in body, mind, and soul.
There will be no investigation. There will be no witnesses. There will be no charges. There will be NO JUSTICE for DJ Ano or her family. The fat pig NKRs and their Quasimodo like wives will continue to act with impunity, raping and plundering Cambodia until there is nothing left but an empty husk.
She is but another on the long list of NKR victims that will go unavenged...but not unmourned.
May Lord Buddha bring you peace, DJ Ano, and may Karma have its way with those responsible for this heinous crime.